Is therapy right for me or my family?
Change is hard. Therapy can be challenging, the work we do together may be uncomfortable at times as you experience feelings surrounding your story, your goals, and past wounds. However, it can be life changing, if you are invested and work towards what you want. It can lead to improved relationships, more ease with regulating emotions, better attachment within your family, improved self-worth and confidence, improved ability to handle stressful situations, and problem solve for specific issues and a reduction in feelings of distress. Each client is different as is each expected outcome.
How long will I be in therapy?
The duration of therapy is different for each client. Some clients may get the help they need in only a few sessions, while others may choose to continue therapy for several months or years. It is recommended to schedule a series of weekly sessions, where each session lasts 50-75 minutes. This works best especially in the beginning of our working relationship to allow for consistency and getting to know each other. The frequency can be adjusted later on as progress is made towards therapy goals set.
Will you be a good fit?
This is a great question! This is one of the most important components of therapy, finding the right fit. Take time to explore my site, it gives you a little feel for who I am and how I approach therapy, but also use the 30 minute consultation to help with this question. My general personality is to approach things with compassion, humor and emotional education. If you are ready to dive in and work, are motivated, and like to use traditional and creative therapy approaches, then this partnership could be a great success!
What do I do when I get to the office?
My office is located at 5758 Balcones Dr. ste 101. Once you enter the building you will find the office waiting room right in front of you. Please find a comfortable seat and I will come out at our appointment time.
If my child or teenager is being seen, do I come into the session as well?
In order to get a clear understanding of what you are looking for, background, and for us to begin common therapy language and techniques to be used both at home and in the office I will ask to see you the parents several times before meeting with the child or teenager. Once this has been established and I begin to see your child, we will then from time to time do a parent update, that the child is aware of and given the choice to participate in and what feels okay to share. From time to time we may also have the family work together if it feels it would benefit the progress and goals set.
If your teen is 18 years old, they may come into therapy on their own.
Will I get to know everything that my child or teen talks about during sessions without me?
It is important to the therapeutic relationship for your child or teenager to have confidentiality. This creates trust and safety for expressing their feelings, concerns, and problems they want to work on. What this means is that I will not be able to answer specific questions asked about what was said in a therapy session with your child if you were not present or part of the session. However, we will have check ins and updates as we continue our work together and you will often be part of the sessions. If there is an issue of concern I will work with your child to be able to discuss the matter with us as a group or with you at home independently . HIPPA confidentiality guidelines apply for reporting concerns of physical and mental safety.
What if I need to cancel a session?
Life is busy! I understand that things come up and you may need to cancel and reschedule from time to time. I ask that you please cancel with at least 24 hours advance notice. I charge the FULL session fee for late cancellations and no shows, however I also understand that emergencies do come up. I allow for one emergency late cancellation without a fee incurred.
I will notify you in advance of time that I will be away from the office, such as for a vacation or training/conference. If you are late, please note that your session will still have to end as scheduled due to appointments after you.
What if I have an emergency?
My practice is not setup for crisis care. If you need immediate attention, go to your nearest emergency room, call 911, or call one of the following hotlines: 512-472-HELP (4357) or 800-273-TALK (8255)